Hawkseye, Lewes, Delaware HOA Home Owners Association

Hawkseye Maps and Lots

Sussex County Maps Site

Sussex County Deeds Site

Lots Size List

Below are some extracted details of Hawkseye in Lewes maps with subdivision layout and lots specific details. For more details or to view other properties, The links above or below takes you to:

1) Online Sussex County Map viewer that provides layout overview and specific information of all subdivisions, parcels and lots with details such as size, owners names and address, and more.

2) Access to the Assessment and Tax office property records database in Sussex County, Delaware. You can access public records using search by owner, street address, or various other methods.

Click picture to go to the actual Hawkseye, Lewes, DE Google Earth

Bird's eye Aerial view | Hawkseye, Lewes, Delaware HOA Home Owners Association

Hawkseye Zillow listings

What do the numbers on the map mean:

Hawkseye parcel | Hawkseye, Lewes, Delaware HOA Home Owners Association

Lots details | Hawkseye, Lewes, Delaware HOA Home Owners Association

Lots details Kestrel | Hawkseye, Lewes, Delaware HOA Home Owners Association

Lots details Peregrine / Meril  | Hawkseye, Lewes, Delaware HOA Home Owners Association

Lots details Peregrine  | Hawkseye, Lewes, Delaware HOA Home Owners Association

Lots details Red-Tail / Golden Eagle | Hawkseye, Lewes, Delaware HOA Home Owners Association

Lots details Red-Tail / Kestrel | Hawkseye, Lewes, Delaware HOA Home Owners Association

Lots map with lot numbers | Hawkseye, Lewes, Delaware HOA Home Owners Association

Aerial view | Hawkseye, Lewes, Delaware HOA Home Owners Association